F1GP-Ed Documentation

Amiga Formula One

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The Driver Editor allows you to change driver names like you do in F1GP
itself, but it also lets you specify whether a driver should be selected
automatically, and their qualifying and race performances.

   Name of the current driver.

   Allows you to determine if a driver should automatically be selected
when you load F1GP.

   How well a driver performs in Qualifying sessions.  This will determine
how fast the actual driver is (not taking the HP setting of the car into
account). Low values will ensure that the driver will driver reasonably
well, and high values will result in the driver spinning off too often.
This also affects how quickly the driver accelerates.  This will not affect
starting positions if you skip the qualifying session - the HP values for
the teams are used to calculate the grid positions in that case. Acceptable
values 0-255.

   How well a driver performs in a Race.  Details as above.

Global Perform
   This will increase/decrease each drivers' Qual and Race performances by
5. You do this by clicking on the "+" or "-" gadget.

Edit Helmet
   Click this button to bring up a colour editor which will allow you to
change the colours of drivers' crash helmets.

Converted on 29 Nov 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.